Sex + Exercise = Sexercise

Is that exercise bike in your bedroom gathering dust? You can still turn the room into a fitness haven – but forget the bike and head straight to bed: Having vigorous sex can burn off about 130 calories per half hour. You can burn off two kilograms a year with 135 lovemaking sessions – that works out to 2.6 times a week.

10 Diet Destroying Drinks: Discover The Truth About Popular Drinks

Most of us pay a great deal of attention to the foods we are putting in our bodies. We read labels, read information on nutrition, and probably take a multivitamin just for a little extra insurance. When it comes to our diets, food is well covered.

One aspect that often gets overlooked, however, is what we choose to quench our thirst with. No doubt you've got a good protein powder in place for your pre- and post-workout meals, but what about the beverages you choose to drink throughout the day? You may be quite amazed at the harmful effects they could be having on both your health and your body composition.

Here are some specific ones you should consider, not only for yourself, but also for parents and what your kids may be consuming as well.

The top five Foods that can cause Cancer

1. Hot Dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

How to avoid Eyes Strain

Have a thorough eye examination. While everyone should have their eyes checked once a year, annual eye exams are especially important for computer users.

Follow the "20/20 rule." Keep your face at least 20 inches from the screen and pause every 20 minutes or so to look around the room, so your eyes can focus on distant objects. Regular eye exercise helps prevent eye strain.

Place all materials you are working with at the same distance as the screen. This reduces strain of your eyes and neck.

Make sure you have a glare screen, which should block glare without making the characters on the monitor appear fuzzy. Also if possible, move or adjust the computer screen to avoid reflections from windows or indoor lights.

Sit on a stable, comfortable, adjustable chair. If it is possible to put the keyboard a few inches below the desktop, for example, with an adjustable table, or by using a center drawer of a desk for a pullout keyboard rest, do so. This will keep your arms at a more comfortable angle.

Place computer monitor at a 35-degree angle below your eyes. This reduces incidence of Dry Eye.

Use preservative-free artificial tears intermittently when on the computer if your eyes get red and irritated. Much of computer fatigue is caused by Dry Eye.

Finally, take periodic breaks from the computer during the day, walk around and do some non-computer tasks for about 15 minutes every two or three hours.

Do's and Dont's of Back Pain prevention

To prevent/treat back pains be sure to strech your hamstrings. You can do this by sitting in a long sitting position or by sitting with both knees extended. Try to gently touch your toes but be sure to do it gently. If You can't reach it then dont! Do this everyday for a week for five to ten minutes.

Steps that ensuring to have a good Sexual Health

Having good sexual health does not mean that you have to remain completely abstinent from sex altogether. What it does mean is that you have to be careful, take precautions and most importantly take care of your body, since it’s the only one you have. Here are some easy ways to maintain good sexual health.

Always make sure you have protection with you. The one biggest mistake anybody can make when it comes to good sexual health is by not always carrying protection with them. If you do always carry protection with you, then you never have to worry if a spur of the moment intimacy occurs.

Get tested and have a check-up regularly. The best way to maintain good sexual health is by frequently getting tested for STD’s and by following your doctor’s recommended annual physical plan.

Steps | Methods | Ways of getting a birth control

Birth control is a great way to control a country's population and a good family planning to raise a child. To undergo a birth control method you must follow these simple steps.

Step1: Birth Control at Convenience Stores.
You can easily find condoms, creams and other similar types of birth control at convenience stores such as Walgreens or Walmart.

Step2: Birth Control from Your Primary Physician.
If you're over 18 years of age and are female, you should be seeing your gynecologist at least once every 1-2 years. While you're in their office, let them know you are interested in birth control and they can administer that for you while you're in their office or they can write a prescription that can be filled at a local pharmacy.